Luxury 5-star Hotel de Echoput
About us
Het Loo Royal Estate, Apeldoorn
Family business
De Echoput is and always has been a proud family business. After the start by Jaap and Tineke Klosse and the launch of the successful restaurant period, Peter and Carla Klosse took over the company and continued the development to realise the design hotel you see today.
Up to today, the 3rd generation, Karel Klosse and his partner Diana Lodewijkx have been managing the company since September 2016.

Monument De Echoput
Hotel Restaurant de Echoput owes its name to a real echo well. This well was constructed by the first King of the Netherlands, Louis Napoleon to supply water for his army’s horses. One of the world’s most clearly audible echoes can be heard, due to the depth of the well.
During the 50’s and 60’s, the echo well was a popular tourist attraction and common destination of many school trips. The historical well is located in the cottage on the Amersfoortseweg, the old road from London to Moscow. The well can still be visited upon request.

Echoput Story
Everything about the rich history of Hotel de Echoput in the Veluwe region near Apeldoorn. It all started with the echo well monument. Now De Echoput is a luxurious 5-star hotel featuring a top class restaurant.
In 2015 it was 60 years since the Klosse family settled here. The third generation of the Klosse family is now at the helm.
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